Mini-grader with interchangeable weighing cups for fruits such as apricots, apples, peaches, plums, citrus, kiwis, melons.

For a cup grader to be efficient, the weighing cups have to have the right size for the fruits to be graded: Thus cups suitable for apricots will not be suitable for apples and other fruits of the same size.

SETOP have solved this problem by designing a system of removable crowns for different fruit sizes.

‘PICOLLINE’ MINI-GRADER in 4 arguments

  • Multifruit.
  • For small productions.
  • Entirely stainless.
  • Interchangeable cup crowns.

SETOP Multifruit Graders PICOLLINE I and II

‘PICOLLINE’ MINI-GRADER - Its advantages






PICOLLINE allows processing fruits of any size. Changes between batches are very quick thanks to the interchangeable cups, and batches are always processed at maximum capacity and maximum rate.

PICOLLINE can weigh production batches at a rate of up to 5 fruits per second, i.e. 18,000 fruits per hour, while maintaining the great precision of ± 2% whatever the rate.

PICOLLINE is fitted with a V-shaped fruit pre-aligner featuring belts moving at two different speeds: the fruits being aligned before they reach the cups, those cups are always filled, and filled with only one fruit.
The feeding speed and the speed of the cups are adjustable over an electric variator.


PICOLLINE’s reception trays provide a 5.5 m wide working space, allowing 5 to 6 persons to work side-by-side comfortably.
Each packing station is fitted with an emptying flap, an adjustable retractable crate support, and, optionally, a working desk.


PICOLLINE’s touchscreen is extremely user-friendly. It allows the easy setting of grading thresholds in grammes, directing a category to several exits or conversely, directing different grades towards a single tray, or controlling the weight of the processed fruits
 PICOLLINE if fitted with counters by kilograms and by number of fruits, providing you with useful statistics for your production.

All the structures that are in contact with the fruits are of stainless steel or of non-toxic materials.
Thanks to those materials PICOLLINE has a pleasing, modern line, is durable and requires minimum maintenance.


Fruit feed: V-shaped belt pre-aligner, length 2.5 m
Size: 4 × 3.8 m

Cups :

- 76 mm pitch for: apricots, kiwis, plums, figs, clementines, etc.
- 114 mm pitch for: apples, peaches, citrus fruit, etc.
- 152 mm pitch for: melons, peppers, mangoes, etc.
Speed : up to 5 fruits per second, i.e. 18,000 fruits per hour, according to cup size.
Operator control over touchscreen.
Number of grades: 8
Number of exits : 6
Reception trays : 5 trays 100 × 60 cm, 1 tray 50 × 60 cm.
Control: 8 weight or fruit-number counters.
Options: printer, exit towards rotarys, exit towards buffer belt.